Friday 14 August 2015



  1. Umm... yes ? I take it this is a comment ( at least in part ) at the Fantastic Four actors and actresses and director and company and so on and so on....and their reactions( and interactions ) to their own movie. Strangely - maybe it's just my turn of mind - now I've heard the criticism.... I actually want to see the movie ( which I didn't before !)... if only I had the time. I need a TARDIS.

  2. No. I just thought it summed up all those 'friends' from the comic industry that still try to use ME to push their books and news and then its "Piss off" if you ask them to mention your books. Am I getting more pissy because I'm in pain? I'm going to check out Comicbookgirl19s video which is a critique. Should be fun...and sweary!
