Sunday 16 August 2015

Mumbles, Painting Terrain and Comic Marts

Yeah, went to the shops, got another 5 tier bookcase for the living room.  I need to build an extension for an adjoining library building!

Also, painting up 1/72nd scale (22mm) farmyard.  One day the fury of my wargaming shall shake the table!!

Comic marts. I was asked why I don't say it's a "book event"? Well, Bristol City Council has VERY strict rules and they do govern events involving the public in the City and event location owners stick to the letter usually because if they don't.....

Basically, if I say it is a book event and set up comics a location owner could, with no comebacks, cancel the event on the day.  It is all rules and regs now.

For instance, at one point I thought about a market stall selling comics.  However, within the City and County of Bristol, even if you sell  paper napkins at a stall you MUST have insurance coverage of at least (its the minimum actually) £3 million.  Which came to about £500 per year policy.

So, yes, I would set up permanently at a market but that takes a fair bit of paperwork and money and as that is before you can even see if you have a market there....well, putting those bank notes down a drain is more profitable!

And, because of pipe work, repairs and then my decorating the home for the first time since 2004, no, I have not drawn anything in three months at least. Hey, Black Tower's online store has pages of books not just by me but Ben R. Dilworth and Gavin Stuart Ross so there is no rush.

Which brings me to The Green Skies.  It is NOT cancelled as someone started telling everyone on a forum.  It has been on hold -the eye sight problems I had on top of everything else got in the way. I do hope that the book will be completed, edited and ready to publish by January, 2016.  It is my last big epic and part 3 of the whole Invasion Earth story that began in 1987 so just to complete that it WILL be done.

If it only reaches 400 pages I am going to be very shocked.

After that, so long as it doesn't prove incredibly expensive, I'm hoping for a trip to an event in Germany in 2016.  See how comics go there!

Work after Green Skies...nothing planned even if my head is crammed with things.

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