Sunday 27 September 2015

Disney WILL Sell Marvel Comics?

Closing up a lot of things and putting various projects away into archive boxes at the moment.  I think it says a lot that I am doing no comic work and have done none since May/June?

I am spending far more time on the science, natural history and research side so that in January of next year I can slide into that easily on a full time basis.  CBO?  Well, let's be honest, it's a LOT of work for nothing and 99.5% no feed-back so what I see, read and hear I'll keep to myself.

Not a single comic album or book sold all month despite the huge cover price cuts and I've heard from other publishers that they've tried similar things and all failed.  You see, the majority -99%- of comic readers out there do not want originality or good quality products -unless they are free.  They want the same regurgitated Marvel and DC rebooted crap.

As I had to explain -AGAIN- to a few people earlier: CBO is a FULL TIME and UNPAID job and I get NOTHING from it.  It's no loss to me.  And the comic and book side of things, well, the online store will stay there but I'm betting if I check in a year there will still be no sales.

CBO I may just turn into a personal blog about whatever I want and not necessarily comics.

Please consider this my final post on the matter because unless things change by December that's it.

Now, might do a review tomorrow or gossip because I heard from someone who just got fired from Disney -they did a really shitty job so he took all the flack for a decision that had nothing to do with him- that Disney has a "bottom line sales margin" and if Marvel comics does not stay above gets sold off.  Sound odd?  Well, no because there is additional info BUT I'll keep that in case anyone is interested in my posting it.....though everything I've been dead on target with over the years has been ignored until it finally happened as I stated.  See why CBO ain't my true love any more?

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