Monday 30 November 2015

Terror From The Core

You'll not see it but Terror From The Core I wrote in the early 1990s(?) and looking at the news recently it seems very relevant.

Mind you, never did trust sub-terraneans!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Speculation: Admiral Venture would be looking into the situation, aided by NAPRU's chief scientific advisor who is also looking into the disappearance of her Uncle. She suspects his disappearance is linked to the renewed activity of the sub-terraneans and that he has either been captured, has renewed negotiations as before or both. But what has happened to Beefy?

  3. "Admiral Venture"? Not after Beijing 2000!!

    1. Extremely unfortunate and a black mark against one who had such a promising career and, I suppose, as usual resistant to taking the advice of those better versed in the situation. The Prof, I hear, upon hearing of the incident, broke several pairs of glasses and an e-reader and exclaiming " totally irksome " and stormed off back to Somerset.
