Monday 28 December 2015

Dr Strange

Okay, if you don't wet your knickers when you see this then you are not a fan of Dr Strange....well,you may be a fan of the comic book Dr Strange but not enthusiastic about the movie?


Doctor Strange , the movie, is scheduled to hit theaters on 4th November, 2016. The film will also star Tilda Swinton as The Ancient One (yeah, I like Tilda Swinton but as the feckin Ancient One -COME ON??!!!) and Chiwetel Ejiofor as the villainous Baron Mordo. Rachel McAdams and Mads Mikkelsen also have roles, but exactly whom they will play will be revealed when the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly hits stands on Tuesday.

Or you can wait til it all gets posted on the net on....Tuesday!!


  1. Perhaps the Ancient One found a spell and fancied a change? What was it that Joanna Lumley's Doctor said after she had regenerated from Hugh Grant?

  2. I have NO IDEA what that is about. Are you on new drugs? Or is this new Moffatt continuity??

  3. The punch line, back in 1999, was " I have always wanted to get my hands on one of these ". Just for the record, I really have no use for drugs of any kind whatsoever.

  4. "The punch line, back in 1999, was " I have always wanted to get my hands on one of these ". ....What????

  5. Anyway, hopefully this movie will be good, despite the odd casting of the Ancient One. Obviously, like all the superhero movies, it will be massively heavy on effects, possibly even more so. I sincerely hope that the story matches. I remember myself and Bib laughing like drains at the Red Nose Day version of Doctor Who back in 1999. Probably because it was schoolboy humour and not up your street at all and sent up Doctor Who rotten. There are plans for the Captain Biplane strip which Lynne let me in on which will be nice if they succeed. The loft studio is cleared now, apart from Bib's work. An old friend did a painting of Bib in his studio working which I bought. We've called it 'Working - with quiet desperation'. I'll send you a photo if you wish. I have it on Jpeg.

  6. You have NO IDEA what my sense of humour is after all these years? Ever occurred to you that not watching Red Nose Day or other TV I had no idea what the feckin obscure reference was??

  7. Replies
    1. Obviously I don't. Because I have not been able to talk for many years as we used to and my brain will delete stuff incredibly quickly without a constant reference state as backup. It's the dyspraxia that's the problem and it got far worse whilst I was a carer. That's where the breakdowns came from. I am sorry if that has irritated you and sorry I bothered you with my silly remarks. So long and take care.
