Sunday 21 February 2016

So WHO Should Be Getting Their Comics Promoted?

I am NOT going to do the work for you any more. Year in, year out I tell you people.  See the Search Bar? Use it.

Look up:

Paul Ashley Brown


Ben R. Dilworth


Gavin Stuart Ross


Donna Barr


Roberta Gregory


David Gordon


Charles Cutting


John Erasmus

These are not on the "same old same old" list as rolled off by Eric Stephenson. 

Ben Dilworth uses a variety of art styles and can come up with good old action and adventure as well as light or thought provoking stories because he is a true imagineer.

Now, Image Comics should know Gavin Ross -Image Comics in published Gavin's winning entry in the Northern Sequential Art competition in their 2011  Thought Bubble Anthology.  What happened after that bit of "press" Mr Stephenson?

Roberta Gregory -creator of Bitchy Bitch and the Fantagraphic series Naughty Bits and so much more since the 1970s -Roberta is a true female comic book pioneer!

Donna Barr -if I even have to tell you who Donna is or what she does then you should not be here.  Mind you, she probably might give Image "the finger" -auf Deutsch!

John Erasmus is a brilliant comic artist and a true imagineer and his colour work is beyond criticism. His work was probably the highlight of the Titan Book The Complete Accident Man.

Charles cutting is another artist with a great eye for colour and his recent book Kardath is a H. P.Lovecraft gem.

Paul Ashley Brown is not your usual comic artist.  If you've seen his work reviewed on CBO (Browner Knowle, etc) you'll have seen his unique style and thought provoking work -the type of thing Image should be publishing.

David Gordon, I know he has the tag "The British Milo Manara" but there is much more to his comic book talents. This was proven in his biographical Cosmic Oddity -I've known him since the 1980s but that book actually blew me away!

There Eric Stephenson, is where your company should be looking for integrity and something original.  But I doubt even if Stephenson read the prior post and this one, that he would even give it a second thought.  The dollar is what matters to these companies and as I wrote before "You can talk the talk but can you walk the walk?"

I think not.


  1. Wow. Again I am humbled to be included with such amazing people. Terry, you rock.

  2. Yes, I DO rock...its the knees going.

  3. "My knees!" Oh, you were just asking for it.
