Saturday 27 February 2016

This Is How Morons React....well, people with VERY low IQs

Victor Sakonda first tried to post this comment on the now over two years old Deadpool posting anonymously.  However, he was dumb. He then posted the very same line under his name.

Here is his IQ on public display:

"well go f**k yourselves"

Firstly, Victor, there is only one of me so I guess you don't read too well?  That should read: "Well, go f**ch yourSELF"

Also, Victor, seriously, is this how you try to get attention because, honestly, if my humorous put down of a comic book character makes you that upset wait til you see what Donald Trump is saying.

Oh, and yes, I am reporting your comments.


  1. Dare I say it.....hell yes I will...'typical Deadpool fan mentality' :)

  2. Apparently, Blogger does not see offensive language as a reason to report someone. So this jerk gets named and shamed. LOW IQ.
