Saturday 19 March 2016

Oh Dear -Was It In "Foreign"?

CBO gets a lot of German views so I thought I'd treat them with some videos.  Oddly, no one thought bad of it when I posted all the French comic videos!

I quite enjoyed these videos of German "Nerds" and they are fun -there is a very good David Tennant Dr Who impression by one of the young women in one of them.

My aunt tells me "people don't speak German like they used to" and she is correct. It's bad enough getting past the local accents but pronunciation of words has changed and the "rolling R" appears to be vanishing.

BUT I like to see what comic fans in other countries do and since I've found no videos of French comic events this will do!


  1. Hmm. What do you think are the chances of being able to learn German at 53? I wish dad had helped in that. He just felt that mum would be left out with two German speakers in the house or perhaps he thought he was protecting me?

  2. Put German radio on in the background and read German kids comics and you start picking things up. If the sounds and knowledge/background is there you'll pick it up.

  3. Replies
    1. Interesting. Though your exposure to German was as a child, correct? If I am right, then that may mean that you have subconscious support, a latent self correction structure that will help in your re-'learning' of the language. Hypothesizing. Would dearly love it to prove true that I could pick it up. With sounds, it seems I have little problem, grammatical sense, a lot. I will give something a try.

    2. By the way, thank you. You may not be aware how reassuring one of your last posts was. It meant a lot.

  4. Some of those German? music videos have been great thanks.

  5. Yeah, music-wise posted here would be German. I'm still trying to remember WHAT I've posted here!!!
