Sunday 13 March 2016

What do you think of the Ghostbusters Trailer Disaster?

Sorry -what?  People are beginning to realise these movie remakes are crap???


  1. This doesn´t surprise me because I had the same negative reaction to the trailer when I first saw it. My first thought when I heard that they were going to do a GHOSTBUSTERS movie with an all female cast was : why does this have to happen after Russ Meyer and Andy Sidaris have passed away ? They could have pulled this off.

    So not only do the women in the trailer not come across as funny ( unless you mistake bossy or bitchy as funny which apparently Hollywood does ) this looks exactly like the first movie. It kind of reminded me of the latest Marvel remakes like SECRET WARS, FUTURE IMPERFECT or CIVIL WAR. Been there done that. And as I have already read those comics with better writers and better artists I have already seen this GHOSTBUSTERS movie. And I doubt this new version is going to be anywhere near the original. Hopefully this flops although I doubt that Hollywood will ever learn that you can respect a movie AND pay homage to it without redoing the complete movie only with a different cast.

  2. A lot of us thought that this was a sort of "What is happening now" with Ackroyd and Murray & co plus newer characters. That might have been fun but they tried to oldest, stalest idea they could find -making the male characters female and using the same story/script (no doubt we'll see more profanity though). Hollywood is dead. Employ me I have idea popping from my ears!

  3. So, this is what passes for creativity in hollywood?
