Friday 15 July 2016

Civil war II -A MAJOR Character is killed if anyone really cares anymore.

I love it when people who have never read the comics but probably saw the movies come up with these pieces.

Here's one for you: Hawkeye was "a major character" killed off.  The Wasp was "a major character" killed off. Johnny Storm, The Human Torch, was "a major character" killed off.  Captain America, Steve Rogers, was "a major character" killed off.

 In fact, every living thing in the Marvel Comics universe has been killed off and brought back so many times I've lost count. 

But even the person writing this post at least knows some have been killed off. But it is the "spin" put on this every week occurrence by the latest in a long line of lame Marvel Editor in Chiefs that takes all the gall you can summon up.

Here's Ben Arnold's piece:

A Major Marvel Character Has Been Killed Off... But Who Is It?


Get your hankies ready, because one of the Avengers is no more.

The latest instalment of ‘Civil War II’ has just landed, courtesy of Marvel Comics, and there’s been a hugely significant casualty.


It’s Bruce Banner… aka The Hulk. And as if that’s not dramatic enough for you, he’s killed by none other than Clint Barton, otherwise known as Hawkeye.

The action had been pre-warned by Marvel following the last issue of the comic, which foretold 'One of the biggest heroes in the Marvel Universe will fall!’

And the action had also pointed to the fact that The Hulk was set to hulk-smash the other Avengers to bits, so something obviously had to give.

Plus the fact that Banner had given Hawkeye a special arrow to do the mercy killing job with, should things start going awry.

 Of course, the Marvel Comics universe is one of some considerable flux, with characters having been killed off in the past, only to return in different books.

Captain America and Spider-Man have also 'died’ in the past, only to pitch up again.

But it seems final – at least for now – and it’s the first time this had happened to Banner/The Hulk’s character, an increasingly volatile force in the comic books and the Marvel movies.

“This is uncharted territory for us,” Marvel Editor in Chief Axel Alonso told the New York Daily News.

“Only two things are for certain: it will take a long, long time for our heroes to come to terms with his loss, and the circumstance surrounding his death will leave a huge scar on the superhero community.”

“Fans may be outraged, and there are probably ‘Hawkeye’ writers who I’m very good friends with who will also be offended,” added Brian Michael Bendis, the writer of the 'Civil War II’ comic series.

“But the point is that everything that happens in this issue is in character when you discover the hows and whys and wheres.”

Hulk fans should take heart, however… you’ll still get to see him smashing stuff up in 'Thor: Ragnarok’, filming now and due for release in November, 2017.

Image credits: Marvel Comics

“This is uncharted territory for us” -what contemptible bull-shit.  Seriously.  Di$ney (formerly Marvel Comics) really does hold its readers in such high contempt -is this 'historic' and 'ground-breaking' comic going to sell like hot cakes to morons who think "This will be worth a fortune in a year!" or that this actually is permanent?

This is why so many life long Marvel Comics fans in their seventies, sixties and fifties are quitting buying Marvel. See pull-list reviews online and where some used to get every Marvel monthly (like I used to) they come up with one Marvel title on their because its a title her husband reads!

Don't worry, the rumours about the next "Marvel Universe changing event" are already circulating (wait til San Diego Comic Con) and everything will be back in place again. Oh...maybe next time they'll kill of "a major character" -like Wolverine....oh. Uh...nope. They've all been dead before.

It shows how little Di$ney cares for the comic fans because they would NEVER do this with the Marvel Movie Universe because the Hulk+movies=merchandise which =BIG $$$$$ and Di$ney loves big money.


  1. Yeah. Sadly... money does ruin things. Not that money isn't vital - but that if they followed their story arcs properly. i.e. dead characters really died - they'd still have a ( more ) loyal fan base. Throw story arcs and plot lines out for getting the cash in ( such as it is these days in the comics biz ) and your just pissing off your long term ( i.e. loyal ) fans. Why not design some new characters ? Why not try and pump some originality and life into comics ? That's what Marvel used to be famous for...back in the day. ROM, anyone ? ALPHA FLIGHT, anyone ? BLADE ? Even SPIDERMAN was once bright and shiney new ( as were the FFOUR and HULK ) What went tits up at the 'house of ideas' ? Anyway.
    A package off to you today, Terry. It's the ACTION COMIC Ads + first internet comic. Still trouble with Paypal. I'll try to sort something out next week. See ya.

  2. Whilst I am no fan of Disney the company I don't think it is totally there fault characters are killed off in the comic world as you said yourself its happened for years (way way back in fact) but as you say they are only interested in the movie side of the characters. I really don't think Marvel or Disney / Marvel (or DC) know where to take their comics anymore as its run by fans or peope lacking commercial sense and do not realise that a lot of the appeal in comics is in the history - I have already given up on DC ( only picking them up in £1 for 5 recent comic grab bags - says it all really) Marvel I pick up the odd title now and then but its not the same company it was even 10 years ago and I don't care or know whats going on anymore there. The main Hulk title has already dumped Bruce Banner so I suppose this was next thing to happen - I will await the revamp of them all lol

  3. Scotty: well, Disney has made it clear that push comes to show its "bye-bye comics" -print runs on top titles of 25 -50,000 is not good. A few years back Disney moved all its people into Marvel Movies and they got rid of anyone but Yes men at Marvel. I would LOVE to find the source of the off-the-cuff Stan Lee remark: "They'd never employ me at Marvel these days!" Context is everything!
    My sister says a local charity shop had bundles of comics for sale. ALL with covers removed and big white price tags on the first page. :-(
    Reboot everything back to 1990. After that failed 12 month Lee-Liefeld etc idea it was all dropped and rebooted and hardly anyone remembers it now.
    If even 20 years ago you said to me "One day you will no longer be a life long Marvelite" I would have patted your head, given you change for a cup of tea and moved on.
    The idea being rumoured at the moment IS that the MU is destroyed and rebooted. Would I be surprised? No.

    Thanks Ben!

  4. Sad. We need more Golden Age goodness !

  5. Oh I wasn't saying that Disney buying Marvel was not a bad move for comics, on the whole yep it looks like that is the case. I just think comics story lines have been poor to rubbish for years with revamps, killing off characters and bringing them back having been going on at paces since the 80s lonh before Disney got involved. Cutting titles at 25- 50k well if that's new then that is a Disney thing and will be an issue for the entire industry. I haven't been a fan of mainstream comics (in the truest "fan" sense) since I was about 20 years old and if anyone had told me then that at 50 plus I would be still reading comic I would have patted them on the head and told them not to be daft lol (but hey what can I say I love em really)

  6. What is this 'patting people on the head' ? Am I missing out on something ?
    On a serious(ish) note: NO ONE was expected to be reading comics past their teens. Almost all traditional comics were made as throw-away pass time entertainment (and advertising ) to and for kids ( ages roughly 6 through 12 ). That only really started to change - and no one really realized it at the time - in England with the Eagle. Making collectors comics wasn't really 'a thing' until the 80's. It's interesting to think how the comics 'industry' has changed and how its fans have changed... and also interesting to think how many fans were 'hooked' at the same time, and are now roughly the same age. Fans hooked in the mid to late 70's. Fans hooked in the 80's... all with similar tales to tell.

  7. Forgot what I was going to write - oops. Going to the bank on Thursday to try and sort out my credit card thing. Then I'll know if I can 'Paypal'.
    Let you know the result.

  8. "Patting on the head" is just a way of being a bit condescending to someone who had stated something really silly to you.

  9. Ahh, Ben. You've been away too long! Scotty explains it best. Will Hay in his role as a -well, several roles actually- did the whole pat on the head and "Yes. Yes, of course it did!" back in the 1930s/1940s.
