Friday 19 August 2016

Brexit, French Businesses In The UK and Cinebook The 9th Art (reprise)

Back in July (the 25th to be precise) I posted this item. Having been the most vocal and ardent supporter of Olivier Cadic and Cinebook the 9th Art you might think I would get a response from him -as a courtesy?


In fact, it appears the advice he has given to French people with businesses in the UK once Article 50 is set in motion, which I hope that it will not be, is "move your business back to France!"

To say I am disappointed is an understatement.  Here is the original posting.

Anyway, there have been a few questions aimed at me following the moronic Brexit vote. Word from Cinebook The 9th Art is that they "do not do politics" and that the future of the company, owned by Olivier Cadic, now a French Senator, would be decided when things became clearer in a year or two.

A couple weeks back Olivier was in Bristol to talk to French people about how Brexit would affect them.  Apparently it was a very brief event but he was asked what would happen to any business owned by French people when the "Brexit" became finalised?  The reply: "Easy enough -close and move it back to France."

I supported Olivier and Cinebook from the very outset while others were declaring "They might last a year". I had long conversations with him and email exchanges.  
So, you might think, as a supporter of Cinebook I might get a straight response?

To date nothing.

Face Book messages -nothing.

People working for Cinebook will, obviously, tow the company line. They are there to publish books not politic. To pester them on this point would be idiotic. After all, only the person owning a company can tell you what his thoughts are and he ain't talking.  

Francoise ---- (one of the people at the Bristol meeting) told me: "The message seemed clear: the French Government will support and help it's citizens in the UK but when Brexit is finalised we ought to prepare to move everything back to France. We don't want to do that but if a French member of the Senate has this attitude what are we to think?"

Now I follow Olivier and he has a regular TV spot on French TV and he stated there that: "The French came to the UK and would leave if needed, it's not a problem." And I have had this statement confirmed by two French people I am acquainted with.

I supported Olivier and Cinebook from the very outset while others were declaring "They might last a year". I had long conversations with him and email exchanges. So, you might think, as a supporter of Cinebook I might get a straight response?
To date nothing.

Face Book messages -nothing.

People working for Cinebook will, obviously, tow the company line. They are there to publish books not politic. To pester them on this point would be idiotic. After all, only the person owning a company can tell you what his thoughts are and he ain't talking.  

Francoise ---- (one of the people at the Bristol meeting) told me: "The message seemed clear: the French Government will support and help it's citizens in the UK but when Brexit is finalised we ought to prepare to move everything back to France. We don't want to do that but if a French member of the Senate has this attitude what are we to think?"

I am a comic blogger and if I believe in a company such as Cinebook I want to find out what is going on before I start typing. I have to say that my feeling is that when Brexit is finalised, unless someone buys the company, IF it were for sale, it would pack up.  

I wish I could be more positive.  

I really do.

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