Wednesday 31 August 2016

It's A Copper Coloured Cyclops....if that interests anyone....?

Apologies to any normal people out there re that last post. Having to deal with arse-wits and deleting comments because people have had half their brains removed is getting very tedious.

I see myself as putting this blog out for comickers in the US and around the world rather than anyone in the UK.  Only the morons who helped destroy what comics 'industry' we had seem to comment.  I wish some more of those with brains who are comic fans would comment now and then.

Physical pain + internet = violent tendencies.

Bulgaria and Romania appear to be viewing CBO a lot and I tried to see if there was anything on comics from those two countries.  A couple of sites (in Bulgarian and Romanian) but nothing much visual -there is a link to ComixBG on the blog roll but it was last up-dated 7 months ago. If any Bulgarian or Romanian publishers are out there and see this -I have comics you can publish under license! (one day that line will get a response).

There are so many countries from which people view CBO and I try -try- to find something out about comics there.  Generally information is rather sparse or there do not appear to be many comics.  I have comics publishers can use under license......

I have decided that, should I find the right Bristol location for a comic mart (I am looking at one venue) then it will be comic traders.  A few tables will be put aside for self publishers but it is strictly first come-first get a table.  None of the fake Ebay style table bids that are fixed so that friends get the tables.  Paul Ashley Brown has a table. The intention is also to have a display of art pages because that might encourage a few creative types but should also give the punters something to look at.  It's all very basic and, as they like to say in business, "fluid" at the moment but we will see.

And thank you to the people who have been positive about the project on social media.

Comic fans should be having fun and talking to each other. Fun.  If you are into comics don't just ignore something because it is in a language you don't understand -check out the artwork.

As an end note there is a very strong rumour that if Brexit goes ahead and article 50 is set in motion (don't even get me started) Cinebook The 9th Art will not be based in the UK. This is based on talking to people who have attended meetings held by Cinebook's publisher who has repeated several times "You can move your business back to France. We all can".  As I do not rate even a brief response from said publisher, I can only assume this is true.


  1. A very agreeable point about not ignoring stuff because it's not in your language... I've got STACKS of French, Spanish and Norwegian comics here, initially I thought I'd be able to teach myself the language by reading them but it was not to be... Still fun though.

    In case you don't know, your Cyclops there is from a line of toys called Super Monstruos - my collection of them can be seen here:

    (Apologies for the crazy long URL!)

  2. Hi. Yeah -comics are fun. The Cyclops and my three Tarzan figures (I know I bought something else but can't think what) were bought from France -can't get them in the UK. I am planning on getting the full monster set soon. I'll check your link out!

  3. FIGURINE SUPER MONSTRUOS YOLANDA ROHLINGE ROUILLE : LE CYCLOPE NEUF !! is how they are listen on Ebay by Ludo Toys. I prefer the plain colour -I get to paint them how I like!! I see you bought the ready painted -in the box? They are fun!

  4. Nice toys -including the smelly giant insect -is it rubbery? I have old Britains Alien, Mutants and Cyborgs where the heads and attachments are rubbery and still can't get rid of the smell!

  5. Yeah, I didn't know you could get mono-flavoured ones until after I got these - love them though. Do you mean the Fly guy? They're all of a hard rubber variety, love that "new toy smell" that these never seem to lose though!

  6. Hi. No,on the is it rubberguys toy site you sent the link for? You have a huge ant/mantis standing over a toy car. Mentions the smell there. Unpainted you can get the "monsters" even in a purple plastic!

    1. Hmm, have you got a link to the actual picture? I've got a LOT of giant rubber insects, most of those pictures were taken in 2010...

      Is it the big green one? Standing on its back legs?

  7. Took a while but here you go:

    1. Aha! Not sure how you got there but I know what you're talking about now, haha!

      The big insect was made by Trendmasters in the mid to late 1990s, it was originally filled with slime and came with a plastic scalpel, you had to dissect the insect and go through the slime and find smaller insects inside it. It's all one piece, rubbery and yes, STILL very smelly!

  8. Here it is in its packagin, "Operation B.U.G." it's called:

  9. Yes. I saw saw those but never paid much attention! :-( But I know there were loads of good toys I missed. In the early 1970s a local shop had rubber bendy animal humanoids (I think aliens)about 4 inches tall never bought them. Never seen them since -they were in a box next to the Timpo Swoppit Captain scarlet toys (and, no, never bought any of those -no money!). Saaad life really!

    1. Those bendy humanoids sound intriguing... I've got bendy animals from the 1970s but none that are four inches tall (cheap and tacky toys are always the most fun!).

      Hindsight, hindsight and so on... Woolworth's sold small monster toys in the early 1990s called Bad Eggz Bunch. I only got one at the time, just an inch-tall mono-coloured monster - but nowadays creatures from that line sell for upwards of £100 EACH.

  10. Blue skinned Cyclops throwing a boulder -was that in Lost In Space? Can't remember whether it was a colour or B&W episode! The bendy toys were called alien something but I can't recall -I'm guessing a Hong Kong import. And I so wish I had bought just one!!!

    1. The blue-skinned Cyclops was more in thinking with reference to another toyline I obsessed over - Monster Wrestlers In My Pocket from around 1994-1995. One of the figures in that line was called One-Eyed Jack, and he's a blue-skinned Cyclops. Ever since then I've always thought of blue skin as an appropriate colour for one-eyed giants, ha!

  11. Oh, WIMPS -some of those are bloody weird!! Well, if you ever come across a landed flying saucer and blue skinned cyclopes ARE prepared!

    1. Nice to know I'm prepared for at least one thing in this crazy world...
