Tuesday 18 October 2016

Oh Doubters -Here Are The Facts!

The United States and France are back in 1st and 2nd places views wise with the UK the 3rd highest.  As I noted yesterday, the number of views over the last week from the UK of CBO, Black Tower Comics posts and the BTCG Face Book page hit a huge figure I'd not seen before.

Now it seems that certain parties are doubting that all of this resulted in no sales.  Well, to make the look even more foolish, today is the 18th so time to show the 'sales' from the online store.

Yes, zero sales. Which means August and September are joined by this month.  You know, if this were an hospital matter you'd hear "Black Tower has flat-lined!"

I don't seem that bothered?  Well, the UK market is dead.  Not sure why so many decided to start checking out Black Tower books if there was no interest in buying.  I've done everything I can possibly do to push and promote books and there are 3-6,000 views of posts per day. Dead.

CBO as it was is gone.  The plug-pulling date is still there.  Nothing has changed.  No one cares so why should I care about their loss of throw-away reading material?

I hear that two other Independent publishers in the US have thrown in the towel.  DC, Marvel are NOT "Indies" and let me tell those who keep calling Image, IDW and that other company "Indie publishers" -they aint.  They make a lot of money and are far from Independent as you can get.

So please do not show their books and proudly boast "I put my money where my mouth is and support Independent Comics!"

You do not.  You have helped kill Independents though.

Off to do something more fulfilling.

And third stage of price increases is brought forward to tomorrow.

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