Monday 8 May 2017

Jurgen Kieser and Fix und Fax

Having seen that Mediacontainer video Ein Blick in Comics! Mangas! Graphic Novels! in der Bundeskunsthalle Bonn I sat up at the mention of Fix Und Fax!

You see, I used to send small press comics to Germany in the 1980s and some of mine, such as D~Gruppe, got into East Germany.  This was in the days of Samizdat, which, if you are to young to know what that means, was the name given the clandestine copying and distribution of literature banned by the state, especially formerly in the communist countries of eastern Europe.

I used to get East German photocopied comics back. Sadly, I no longer have any ~my open house policy made stealing easy.  But I did have a couple Fix und Fax books.

Fix und Fax were created by Jurgen Kieser who I believe was born in 1927 about three years ago I was told he was still alive but any attempt to track him down failed.  I even found an image of him on a book cover (see above).

The only problem is that I have never found a copy of Das Jurgen Kieser Buch.  One day maybe.  Just wish I still had the comics as I cannot find any samples online.  Maybe Subzero knows of a link?

But fun memories of a time when packages in the post contained some great stuff!

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