Monday 24 July 2017

I Am So VERY Tired Of Blogging

Everyone wants.

Everyone complains

Nobody other than the odd ass comments

But I love comics.

Censored from free speech is something I cannot be bothered fighting right now.  Really cannot. If you read the postings before they were taken down (NOT by me) then you know.  But I must NOT comment ormy botty gets smacked again and I can't post anything.

Got enough struggles on a daily basis.

Time for a rest because this is a one man show and I get no support. Joking aside (was I?) tomorrow I may buy a loaf of bread.  Never, ever ever get into comics as a living. Ain't worth it.

Now, get back to your Marvel and DC comics.


  1. Odd ass commenting. I loved the Mark Tyme strip - the ending, I did NOT expect. Nice to see Runestone up there, I haven't seen the strip for a long time now, so it was fun to see again. Also the Goth Magician strip looked fun...were there ever any more ?
    One suggestion; why don't you offer out the Bristol Comics I sent you - people pay you on PayPal. If you only get 1 pound per lulu item sold - get 3 pounds on the Bristol Comics + p&p ( I actually have a table for the costs I worked up for Come On Action ). Anyway. The special package should reach you in a few more days. Take it easy.

  2. package just arrived, No, people do not want nostalgia. they dont want good comics.will write ehen have energy
