Saturday 12 August 2017

It Is NOT A German Bias.....

I do understand that some of you want more original content. However, I have been stating clearly for two years that my main income is from my books.  No one buys my books then I have no income. No income then I need to scrape together money to eat and that takes time.  So,no time to blog.

I hear these questions second hand because, even after 20 years of CBO  people still do not comment here or get in touch personally.  THAT is the kind of support that brought us to this point.

But moving along, because nothing I say or write ever has attention paid to it, I was looking through You Tube comic vlogs (video blogs) and I noticed that the comic fans who update their vlogs more often are the Germans.  Their videos also tend to be longer.

It is not a German bias on my part. The idea was to feature Italian, Spanish, German, French or other vlogs as I came across them. Mix things up so you can see fans from outside the US/UK. I found a couple of Spanish vlogs but unless someone can point me to a regular spanish vlogger or two, that's it.  Italian...can't find. No one in the Nederlands vlogs on comics??

Really, and I know response rates to anything are zero, unless someone can provide links it's a case of take it as they come! to forage!

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