Wednesday 29 November 2017

Marvel Studios' Avengers: Infinity War Official Trailer

Oh wow wow ooo WOW!!!!


  1. I must admit that the realization of these things is getting very impressive. As to wanting to watch them, well, not sure so far. I might get Doctor Strange on disc, simply because of being fond of the character since Ditko. The Valerian film, the comic version of which I have been very fond of over the decades, is very well done visually, however, to me the on-screen personas of Valerian and Laureline don't carry over in the spirit of those in the strip. What do you think Terry?.

  2. Well I review the Cinebooks Valerian but the movie is banned from CBO because they sent me the promotional video trailer and a month later hit me with a copyright claim which is why the trailer vanished here. Anything from that film company has a life long ban . And I don't go to the cinema and no DVD player makes my viewing limited. So no idea how the movie worked out and will certainly not be buying it on DVD.

  3. In that case, I suspect that I will not be buying it either. Not just because the depictions of the characters seemed off, but if they tried that with you my old friend then most certainly I will not be buying it! A pity, as I have, for years, been looking forward to a well made film of Valerian, but I won't pollute the comics timeline with these two as the characters. I will try to obtain Dr Strange however.
