Monday 29 January 2018

Flying In and Flying Out

I have to wonder whether some of my posts are a bit too "obscure" for some readers. I have covered
Marvel and the Avengers as well as the Sub-Mariner (the Avengers a few times!) and DC with my look at the Justice League (volume 1 of course).  Then there was the mega Atlas Comics post.  Posts on Indian comics, Chinese (PRC and Hong Kong) as well as comics from Singapore.  Russian, Polish, French and German comics...

And let's not forget the Small Press!

The problem is that I have no idea what interests readers out there -but the high view numbers indicate I must be getting something right!

So, for a while -as long as I can- I'll keep the mix going. There have been, I checked, 2,702 comments since 2011 and, sadly, most of that is chat between myself and friends!  Still I can use that as a good stat!

Now, gotta fly as my date just flew in.


  1. One of the things I like here is the variety of posts. To use a badly tainted term, there is diversity.

  2. I think having "obscure" posts is going to be an issue for most blogs (regardless of subject matter) as not everyone will be interested in all aspects of comics etc. My interest in comics I imagine would be by your standards pretty limited (and I am getting less interested every year) and I would assume most of your readers are the same. As to comments on posts that will be because of a variety of reasons and interests in the subject matter - I would add that for me having a mega post that takes a while to read and savoured should be at the top of your page for a few days at least to give people time to red it before you add any new posts (The UK Avengers post of 5 days ago is at the bottom of page 2 and 17 long post down - I missed that one as I dont log day) just a suggestion AS folk might want to comment but just don't see these posts or think by the time they read it why comment as its now on page 2 or 3 etc.

  3. THANKS, Ja D! Paul -as kids we found some very good comics in rubbish. We called them "junk shops" but in recent years they are "Second User Outlets"! Yeah, on Blogger each post is supposed to be one page or no more than 7 posts per page and that does not include long posts. Never knew this was happening but I guess it depends what device you use. THANKS for letting me know that as it comes in handy -and apart from any short posting like a video, I'll not be posting as much! ;-)
