Saturday 27 January 2018

The Mystery of Dr Strange and THAT 'Mask'!

Why did Dr Strange wear a blue mask and alter his costume from Dr Strange #178 -183 ?  It could be a very long answer or a simple one.  Let's go for simple!
You see, the evil Asmodeus had trapped Dr Strange and Clea in another dimension and assumed his identity. It seems that in order to escape, Dr Strange needed to transform himself  and so the new costume was a part of this.
There is some argument as to whether the Sorceror Supreme was actually wearing a mask or whether it was a part of him.  Some asked whether he was simply an ethereal form. Well, as noted in the Avengers mega post, Dr Strange turned up in this new look and at one point he had to operate on the injured Black Knight. Sweat is seen running down his face/ask and he wears a sanitary mask to prevent spreading germs on the injury. 
Why would he be sweating down a mask and need a face mask during the operating procedure if he was already wearing a mask?
You might think that this was further employing occult knowledge in the stories because, in case you never knew, if you are a demonologist or a ghost detective and suspect a demon or evil spirit is involved you are not supposed to look at it or show it your face.  I once knew a demonologist-ghost detective who, before entering a suspected 'evil' place, put on a full face mask.  
In fact, nothing occult about it.  Dr Strange was facing dwindling readership at that point and so it was decided to give him an overhaul.
Personally, I like the look but preferred the old costume -add the 'mask' to that.  However, there are Dr Strange fans out there who, if you say this was a great look and that Marvel should have stayed with it...well, they will explode!  I am not kidding. They despise the look with a vengeance.
The 1970s Dr Strange run became so whacked out and mystical -if you can find the Marvel Essential Dr Strange books 1-4 they are in black and white but paranormal/mystical/horror genre look best in black and white (though I still love the colour comics!  I mean volume 4 is 584 pages and this blurb tells you what is in it:
Dormammu, Ikonn, Tiboro, Ningal, the Dweller in Darkness, names to conjure with - literally! Yet, they're only a few of the occult enemies who confront Stephen Strange, Sorcerer Supreme, challenged by Baron Mordo, the Eye Killers, and sorcerers from across the world and throughout the dimensions! Weirdness awaits in the Realm of the Shadowqueen and an unfallen Roman Empire, but with Nightmare and D'Spayre around, the human psyche may be the deadliest battleground of all! Plus, the mystery of Murdoch Adams, Monster Hunter! With the Man-Thing, Brother Voodoo, and Namor the Sub-Mariner, plus the Avengers, the Fantastic Four, and the Howling Commandos! Featuring rare horror work by genre legend Howard Chaykin! Collects Doctor Strange #30-56, Chamber of Chills #4, and Man-Thing #4.
 They did try to bring back that new look in the 2002 mini series The Order which I can't say gave me a buzz -the heroes are controlled by Yandroth to take over the world...blah blah.  Best thing were the Carlos Pachecco covers.  Again, no one liked the 'mask'

Then it was Hulk #10 (2009) when Strange teamed up with fellow Defenders.  Again, not a popular idea.
So if you ever wondered -there is your answer!


  1. I just recently got two MARVEL MASTERWORKS and one Epic collection at amazon at half price so I´m reading a lot of his stuff and I kind of liked the mask. I have to say that there are a lot of great artists in there and I can´t agree with the guys from ComicGeekSpeak that Doctor Strange did not have a series for a very long time. There are a lot of super heroes out there who are better known right now and some of their books didn´t last half as long as the Doctor Strange books.

  2. There are some great artists on the series and I loved the Bill Everett art: he was never recognised for his comic work as much as others -alcoholism and other problems but Jack Kirby once said he never understood WHY Everett was inking his (Kirby) work when he should be on his own books. I try never to watch or listen to videos or vlogs by anyone under 40 on comics history. I was watching one yesterday and I thought "No. There were TWO others before that!" as these people tend to pick stuff up on the net and have never read a specific book before so they repeat what they have seen and they are the 'experts'. Happens in all fields -people who have made reputations and money (the important thing to them) and at least two older than me and both said regarding a book "This was all new information to me" and I'm like "How could you NOT know that??! Then I remember they have only been earning off the back of the subject for 20 years whereas I've made no money from the subject for over 40!
    The Essential Dr Strange books are thick -#4 has a third extra pages so anyone seeing those realises how long Strange has been going -he was and is still a cult character -especially the early stuff. Also, you have to remember his cameos anf gust appearances in Marvel titles since the 1960s and if you have no idea about all of this you think "He didn't last long in a comic" which makes you a doofus.
    Enjoy your reading!

  3. The blue mask look is my favorite. Going to have find the order to complete my collection. Just got Hulk#126 where that look makes a caneo

  4. Because the UK never had proper distribution back then what you found was hit-or-miss but seeing the blue masked Strange took a few years to find out WHY! UK back issue prices are ridiculous so I'll p-robably go for the collected books. Good luck finding that Hulk!
