Thursday 1 March 2018

Positivism....I Have No Idea What That Means.....

Apparently I have come in a bit late on the whole cosplay "private photo shoot" subject. I am just walking away from the matter because if these comic personalities and fans have known about these goings on at conventions "for a few good years" had no objections then looking to me to expose and champion the "ban it"


Anyway, as I'm in pain and can't do much else (apart from constantly correcting typoes because my hands have decided they don't need to work properly) I thought I'd go over stats.  Despite the figures, which I'm told are impressive, they don't mean that much to me because of the dyscaculie.  However, show me those numbers in real people.....

So how many views from 1st February to 1st March?

France                         33862
United Kingdom         8506
Russia                        4307
United States             3541
Ukraine                      2463
Turkey                       1676
Italy                           1539
Canada                      458
Germany                   410
Brazil                       300

It seems that February, 2018 is the time that comic fans in the UK discovered CBO.  About 20 years late but it is good to see the UK actually out of 10th or 11th place for once!  It is also the first time I have seen Turkey in the top ten for a month or even week and Brazil is joining in. But it's a trio of new top ten newcomers because we have Italy, too.

France in the Number One position is new as that was always the place of the United States or China. I do wonder whether the number of views from the US was down to the Comic Geek Chic phase -comics were "hot" for a while so more visited comic sites like CBO? Buggers certainly weren't interested in buying comics!

Top countries You might expect to actually hear from -readers asking about things or passing on links to comic publishers in their countries.  Nope.  This is something that used to drive me nuts because you assume thousands of people visiting a day are comic fans and there is going to be two-way chat going on, as there used to be in the age of the printed fanzine when everyone wrote letters of comment (LOCs).  Now you do not have to have pen, paper, envelopes and certainly do not have to go and buy a stamp and pop your letter in a post-box.  You can do it all from where you sit. I think that the internet, for comics and more, has been a great Negative.

You Tubers and bloggers adopt a "shock-Jock" approach (I actually listened to one of these on the radio recently.  He's been going for years and the shock-jock talk had me laugh in boredom).  "SJWs!!!"  "Racist, woman hating comic fans!!!" they'll try anything to get views and they are obsessed by wanting more subscribers and "Likes".  One on You Tube recently used "SJWs attack fans!" and the entire video was about a recent comic he had purchased. As one of the big "Anti-SJWs" explained -just using the term gets views. Shallow. I have to say "Fan hating SJW Marvel--" in the title should have been changed to "I'm A double dumb-ass and want attention!" You see, he tore into the writer of a title and criticised everything while also noting he hadn't read the book properly yet or seen the previous issue (which might have helped as it was part 2 of a story). These people seem to snort and giggle a lot and are not very cogent in their criticism.  They demand better stories and yet pick up a book clearly marked "Part 2" and screech that it makes no sense.

I do wonder whether comic fans -I mean real comic fans- are worried that if they comment on a CBO item they have a different opinion on they will be ridiculed and attacked as being "morons"?

Years ago -with the old Yahoo 360 CBO, the Free Servers CBO and WordPress CBO people did express their opinions.  The trolls and flamers were quickly weeded out. Any CBO reader is entitled to hold the complete and opposite opinion to mine and express it -politely. I have had -rarely- something I stated be corrected and I corrected the item and thanked the person who pointed the problem out to me.

The thing is that is we all liked and hated the same thing when it comes to comics it would be very boring. Every genre has people who do not like one thing but do like something another person dislikes. That's normal.  A couple people disagreed with my opinion of Del Mundo's art in my Avengers review -they saw no saving grace in it. I did and I think his art has improved. No arguments. You see, they made their points politely no "You ***** jerk.  That is ***** **** and you got no ***** idea!!!"  I've had a few of those and I just laugh and delete them. I found quite early on that the people making the comments either had blogs or similar with extremely low viewing figures and a flame-war (creating internet arguing and name-calling) and trolling they could report on seemed, to them, the way of getting higher views. You ignore them they go away.

I recall (though I cannot remember the blog name) how when I made the rule that only real, solid comics would be reviewed and explained all the reasons why, a blogger came onto CBO and ranted at me.  He also posted an item along the lines of "No Name Comic Site DEMANDS Review Comics" so I commented politely on his page and out came the abuse from him.  Also he deleted my comment and edited it for his blog to show how nasty I was (that is common practice). So I simply blocked him on CBO and let him carry on.  All these years later...I am still here but he appears to have vanished along with his blog (I just checked and found the page name).

The same rule applies on CBO as on my Yahoo and Face Book pages: you are polite and if your opinion differs state it but politely.  You attack any member personally or use abusive language -you get banned for a month or for life.

Then again, maybe people visiting CBO just want something non-antagonistic to read?  You want to sit back and just read about Frankenstein, Samson or Jekyll & Hyde in comics or even read an Avengers, Sub-Mariner or JLA mega post?  That's okay.

You don't want to buy my books -that's okay (can you hear my teeth grinding??)

I think that, after (I know it's well over 20 years now) a couple decades and being on Blogger since 2011 CBO (that's me in reality) must have gotten the content mix right -3 million+ views ain't bad (and the same number of views via Google+).

So where ever you are from keep enjoying comics and keep visiting CBO.

See, nice positive ending to a post!

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