Saturday 3 March 2018

Saturday Night Comics

having just read the entire Dancing Elephant and Image Comics run of Paul Grist's Jack Staff and then some Dr Strange followed by the Avengers trade I reviewed and some comics I want to get around to doing (hey, when you are not well and cannot do much even reading comics is a chore) i decided my next read will be the full six issue run of Grist's Mud Man!

British super heroics...why not.

But I have America covered when it comes to reading...

Steve Ditko's Blue Beetle #3 and 4...Charlton Comics, of course! In this photo it doesn't look like I'll finish reading one comic!

Hope you are having a good comic weekend?  Anyone read DCs The Terrifics -any good, let me know!


  1. Paul Grists Mud Man was probably the last comic I really enjoyed although Ditkos Blue Beetle is pretty good as well = hope you enjoyed the read. I havent heard much from Paul Grist in years apart from a strip he did in the Megazine last year (pretty good as well)

  2. Hi. Yeah it was fun reading fun comics though the fact Mud Man left so many unanswered questions is annoying. Missed the Megazine strip! Comic people in the UK never seem to respond to messages unless its to promote something. Also I'm not in with the "right crowd"! I hope he gets back to finish Mud Man. ;-)
