Friday 20 July 2018

Doctor Who: Series 11 Trailer

1 comment:

  1. Well, we shall have to wait and see. I have no issues with the gender change. If protandrous or protogynous life existed in Gallifrey's primeval past, that make up of Time Lord biology could be expressed as a by-product of the cellular explosion that is regeneration. It means that Time Lord/Lady individuals have not a fixed gender, but a gender bias over their 'normal' lifespan. After all, much has been built upon Gallifreyan society over the decades within which much has been made fast, but much has remained vague except in speculative novels and the ubiquitous fan fiction. This is SF/Fantasy fiction after all. Many actresses over the years could have made fantastic Doctors. I can think immediately Mary Morris, Fiona Shaw and Jean Marsh as obvious. Probably think of more given time and thought.
