Thursday 9 August 2018

DC Comics -Oh Wow! Someone Dies...WHO Cares?

Well, who cares?

They reboot and "re-imagine" these characters all the time after killing them and/or the DC universe off for the 12435788th time.

Fans just don't get that emotional investment in characters like they used to.

This is really shows the sort of contempt that DC holds for comic fans –rather like Marvel.

Now do not get me wrong: the current Avengers series is the best one Marvel has produced for a long time. Most of us are holding our breaths waiting to see how long it lasts (6 issues?).  DC have been killing Marvel with Justice League 52 not to mention other titles I have seen but do not buy.  I never ever thought the day would come when I said Justice League was better than the Avengers (barring this current series).

But really, who really cares about which character dies (hmm…don’t put your money on Harley Quinn –go for Booster Gold) ?  Even when this news was excitedly posted on the George Perez Page (Face Book and NOT run by Perez) someone posted “Who cares they’ll be back anyway”.  That says it all.

When I killed off some of my much cherished characters in Return of the Gods that was it.  They were dead. No re-boot. Barring paranormal characters, they have the “get out of gaol” card, if a character of mine dies it is sad but that is life –even in comics.  Stan Lee once said that if there is not that real threat of death when a hero goes up against a villain it would all be very boring. “We’d know every issue the hero is going to beat the villain –no problem.”

Stan predicted the future of comics back in the 1970s!

Oh wow. Superman dies? Again? Wow that is….what, a Superman from another Earth will replace him? Okay.  Whut? The dead Superman will be back…is this like Pet Sematary?

Oh think of the money to be made in the re-booted character….or DC Universe? Oh no. They wouldn’t….would they?  No. They have integrity…did I just write that??

Every idiot will rush out and buy the comic and if they really seriously think that comic will be worth a quarter of what they paid for it in 10 years time…they needed carers.

And there is something else that I cannot believe comic fans have not noticed.  The comics media mouthpieces owned by the big companies (You all know who they are) are building this up.  Hyping things up to make YOU buy the book.  They then look up at their comic company masters and ask “Did I do good? Did I? Huh? Huh?” and then roll on their backs to have their bellies rubbed.

Blue Beetle (mk II –not the Golden Age one) was shot rather graphically through the head. Anyone see any scarring on him now?  Wally West (Flash) is dead.  No he’s not. He’s the Flash again.  Or is he? It’s Barry (Flash) Allen who is dead…he isn’t..or…”You think you’re confused now –you soon will be!”

Marvel had a gay wedding (Northstar) and DC had a gay wedding (Earth 2, new 52 version) Green Lantern.  Who had the idea first? Who cares –hey, Archie comics had a “gay”!  Batman is going to marry cat-woman…wah-hoo!  Oh, she dumped him on the wedding day? No worries because at Marvel Colossus is marrying Kitty Pryde and—what?

Oh, ffs!

It is, to quote someone whose name I cannot remember, all fake comics news.  All planned ahead of time and do you really believe that Marvel and DC come up with the same storylines at the same time by coincidence?  Once =Coincidence. Twice =A Bit Too Much of a Coincidence?  Three times =can anyone smell that?  We have left “Three” behind a long time ago and…do you know what a waste tip smells like?

The companies treat comic fans like idiots –I have written that so many times over the years but no one ever listens.  I think you people love having your faces slapped and hearing “Sorry. I promise that is the last time”…then smack! You love being taken for a ride and parted with your money since you have such a huge expendable income, right?

And every single time you believe the hype and lies of the established comics media –run by those people who sit back smugly and look how a comic they hyped sold and think “saps” while believing that the comic companies are grateful to them. In a way they are because the comic companies realise you comic buyers will read their PR and think “hype!” but then go and read B*******C**l or some other comic media site because “Those guys are independent!” 

The established comics media are to the companies what a condom is to a man visiting a cheap hooker –use it then discard it.

I do apologise if any youngster reads that –DON’T ask your mom!!

So buy into this crap. If you do then you have what you want.  You have also become one of a herd of piggy-banks and the big companies love you.  No. They do. Honest –would they lie to you while stroking your wallet?

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