Thursday 2 August 2018

UK in a Permanent Vegetative State.

1 comment:

  1. Didn't expect? I did! I didn't trust the motivation of the vote to begin with. The future is that the world's population divide back up into primitive tribalistic systems, with all that has entailed, and could? The Species, divided, makes a shameful and ridiculous defeat of itself. And the architects of it have crawled off to their individual, and, no doubt, well-lined retreats. Somewhere that immure them from the worst effects of their decisions. This is what they do, especially after they have led the gullible populace along their path. They scurry off, after their grins and their thumbs up and their, "It'll be alright in your bespoke utopia" and Them vs Us/With us or against us claptrap. If this planet's inhabitants don't take to heart that divide and conquer actually pertains loudly to the Human species, that species will be making an extremely poor show in the next millenium, even before. And I'm a card carrying analytical sceptic, not a 'loony lefty', a doomsayer, a crackpot, a whinger or any of the other shallow rubbish that can be aimed at me. There is no such thing as a free lunch or a consequenceless breakup and the healthful resources of a grown/ever growing population HAVE TO come in from somewhere.
