Wednesday 8 August 2018

Cinebook The 9th Art: YOKO TSUNO 13 - THE LIGHT OF IXO

Author: Roger Leloup
Age: 8 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: April 2018

On one of the moons of their stellar system, the Vineans have detected a mysterious light source that only appears every five years. Its point of origin matches the location of an ancient depot where every dangerous industrial, chemical and radioactive waste ever produced on Vinea was once stockpiled.

Having no idea what the light could be, but worried of the destructive potential present on Ixo, Khany puts together an expedition – and brings along her favourite Human consultants...

I know I missed a couple of these albums but I have to say that going from the mindset "Oh, a kiddies book" and then reading the books I came to the conclusion that Yoko Tsuno was a great adventure series mixed with Science Fiction. "Ages 8 and up" includes adults!

I read through this and the art style, colouring and story just wrap you up in a big bundle of fun -which is what comics SHOULD be. Hopefully my Great Nephews and Niece will enjoy these as much as I do when they get them.

Always recommended!

1 comment:

  1. One of my favorite series. As a kid and an adult. I thought that Roger Leloup had died but doing the research for one of my blogs I found out that he´s still doing new YOKO TSUNO books every few years. He still hasn´t lost his knack although his earlier works look a bit better.

    I have started to buy the complete editions they publish here in Germany even though they are a bit expensive. On the plus side every book includes three stories plus lots of bonus material ( even though I read the extra content after the stories so I would prefer it if it was at the end of the book ). The only thing that bugs me - but that is up to personal preferences - is that they don´t put them in chronological order. Instead they have them sorted after themes like Yoko Tsuno´s adventures in Germany, Yoko Tsuno traveling through time, Yoko Tsuno in space, Yoko Tsuno in ancient China etc. Anyway, one of the best comic book series on the planet.
