Saturday 19 January 2019

Here You Go -Just What You Need To Know -Titan Books, Cinebook the 9th Art and David Gordon

I was going to make a point to someone who asked how many views a CBO review gets and shocked myself -but it proves Blogger stats are well off.

Firstly, look to the right and you will see the all time most popular posts -David Gordon was out of the top 10 for a month but has been back in no. 2 position for a while -buy his books!! It was first posted in 2011 and has had 17,814 views.

Titan Books:The Secret Service -Kinsman has never left that list and it has been there a good while -since 2014 and has received 5,042 views and I know people have purchased based on the review.

In fact, most Titan and Cinebook the 9th Art titles get a few thousand views and that is,remember,  internationally not just UK or US.

Here are the All Time Top Posts and if that does not convince you that sending books in for review (whatever country you are in) is worthwhile you need to have a re-think!



  1. Response: "Well, I'd say you're all tippin' the scales t'ward extinction thar, good buddy! Us mammals are gettin' really good at breedin' You seen that Raquel? Wheeow. That's one special effect she's got goin' on thar that makes a man feel on fire. Oh, speakin' a fire, y' wanna see what my pal Harry Hausen's a'doin' t' your ol' tail right about now? Bye, Thesaurus. You take care now!".

  2. Fast forward several thousand centuries - at least! - to the 22nd AD " Dang it t' Jeffries! I dew believe that thar warp engine's gonna blow! Thar's one effect ah sure cewd dew without! Hausen and Welch! What yew done t' that thar warp core??".
