Tuesday 12 February 2019

what takes up 6 ft/1.82 m of shelf space?

I tried to do some shelf tidying earlier on. I discovered that the Cinebook the 9th Art books (and I have some missing -never got sent them) take up 6 feet/1.82m of shelf space.

Thankfully, my great niece and nephews are getting to the ages when Yakari, etc can be paased on to them!

On another note, I did a LOT of posting yesterday and the day before and views sky-rocketed but no comments. So there IS still the audience out there and if you enjoy reading CBO please consider keeping it going by donating (box top right of page) because I mentioned before that if 1000 of the people who visit regularly donated £1/$1 CBO could keep going for a year. If HALF of yesterday's visitors did the same CBO would be safe for 2 years.

To answer a question from Steve via mail: no, it is NOT true -I did not ban Titan books from being reviewed here!  Basically the staff  at Titan seems to come and go and I never chase after review material -remember the publisher is NOT obliged to send me books! LOL!!  I did try Rebellion at one point but they ignored me....really. How common :-)

Ahh, back to reading.

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