Friday 1 March 2019

Welsh, Scots and Irish Gaelic and...Cornish Comic Albums DO exist -ask Dalen

McScotty commented on the Welsh and Gaelic language comics post:

Not a Scots Gaelic speaker myself but there was a TinTin Scots Gaelic version of "TinTin in Scotland" that sold very well a few years ago so there must be a market. I suspect Welsh must be have a much larger market as lots of Welsh speak their native tounge. Scots Gaelic only has about 70k users mostly in the highlands, although it is rising in the Lowlandand/ central belt as families use it as an access language for their kids to other languages ( mostly well off families though) and is also used in other countries. I think the lowlands Scots were as keen to help the English to stop Gaelic and clear the highlands of people . They succeeded in both.

In fact, the Scots Tintin was probably Dalen Books. They produced comic albums in Scots and Irish Gaelic as well as some in Cornish (a language that really needs preserving).  Alun Ceri Jones is the man behind Dalen and I think the company needs a much better public profile and recognition.

I know I have scans of just the covers of some old Welsh and Gaelic covers somewhere -and at least one glossy zine published in the 1990s in Welsh.  A future project maybe!


  1. I also meant to add they published Asterix in Scotland in Scots Gaelic which was a success and got a lot of publicity up here

  2. Hi. Yes, that would be Dalen and those books are still in stock.
