Sunday 4 August 2019

Did Normies RUIN Comics? [Yes/No]

Going back more -much more- than 10 years ago I predicted in numerous posts about how the comics industry would turn out and I was right.

I also pointed out that regular, normal people always collected and read comics not "Geeks" -I even coined the term "Geek Comic Chic" as it was the latest thing for people to be trendy, hip or whatever.  This was compounded by people who jumped into TVs The Big Bang Theory where geeks were seen talking and discussing comics so..."I'm a geek -I read comics (now)!"

Hmm. Where did all those geeks go because they seem to have even deserted the TV show. When I was interviewed on BBC radio I was identified as a "geek" and I brusquely responded that calling me a "comic geek" would be like me calling the interviewee a "hack reporter" -it's an insult.

In the last few months I have seen one You Tube  video after another stating exactly the same -suddenly the penny seems to have dropped (if you are in the UK the £ just dropped again).

What I wrote and said about the comics industry and predicted over ten years ago people are suddenly declaring to have realised....and that comics became Geek Chic.

Here's a video, a bit rambling, but confirming what I wrote.

Next time you better listen to me !!!!!!   :-) :-)

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