Thursday 21 November 2019

FINAL Words and Advice on You Tube/COPPA and Your Alternatives

Here is my final post on the whole You Tube and FTC and COPPA fiasco.

It's a mess.  But the reactions have been, in many cases, over the top.

As previously noted those who are making the loudest noise are those who have been earning a living off of You Tube videos for years.  "Back to the 9-5" (finding a job) as a title was very telling. The thing is that by using You Tube to promote their Go Fund Me and Patreon accounts some people do make quite a lot of money -not all though.

Believe me, you have to stay 'frozen' for a good few seconds to get your video thumbnail so how many times some rehearsed their "I'm in turmoil!"  "I'm in pain!" and equally dramatic poses for their COPPA related videos lords know. 

But the Social Justice Warriors (SJWs) and "Woke" were being left out.  It did not take long. "You Tube are trying to destroy FEMALE creators!" along with "You Tube targets and hammers down on female creators!" catchy titles. I dismissed those videos after a couple minutes of listening to the nonsense they were spewing out.

I have no idea wtf "You Tube targets persons of colour" came from and I lost interest.

You see, genuine YT creators who produce videos on subjects such as arts and crafts, table top gaming, terrain making, collecting and painting gaming figures, retro toys, comics and so on have been doing so and making money from this pastime/hobby never dawns on them. These "credibles" have been making videos for 8, 10 and even 12 years: some times weekly or monthly. All of them have said how bad the whole YT and COPPA is "For all of us content creators" -NOT "us persons of colour" or "We females" but the collective US.

So channel after channel is closing.  Why? Well, if certain people cannot make the money from their videos they'll stop making them.  Those who do this for the fun can, of course, do what I am doing, and move videos over to Daily Motion which uploads videos so quickly I had to double check they had been uploaded!

Now my old videos are not that great but I wanted to move them to a safer platform with the aim -admittedly impossible at the moment due to uh "financial insolvency"- of uploading newer videos later. It is easy to download your YT videos so why not open up a new Daily Motion channel?

Pretty soon YT will have what it wants: thousands of millennial creators cut and pasting details to read as they look at old crimes (do you know how MANY are doing that now?); make-up and lifestyle tips, illegal uploads of TV shows and movies (YTs selection of porn videos will be safe).

Here is the thing: Face Book could open an equivalent to You Tube on its platform but, seemingly because you can upload videos to your own page, they are not bothering. In fact there are others like Daily Motion out there but none seems to be promoting themselves at a point in time when creators want to move on!

In fact, check out this article that is recent (19th November) and tells you about the You Tube alternatives -Daily Motion is top of the list.

There. That's it. This is how those You Tubers under threat from the FTC/COPPA should be dealing with it.  Download their videos and move on and watch as, at some future point, You Tube executives suddenly realise that "The Marvel way" -in this case treating your content makers like fetid shit- is killing it's platform.  Good luck with getting all the creators back!

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