Friday 13 December 2019

A Quick Break From Comics "Normalicy"

Here are my final words on this matter,
We have learnt this election that:

1) there are a LOT of people out there pretending to be liberal and claiming they will vote Labour or Liberal.

2) people voted for a right wing, recognised bully-boy who snatched a journalists phone and put it in his pocket (all filmed), never apologised for racist remarks ('free speech'), he was caught out with lying to the Queen, Parliament and the British people as well as caught telling outright lie that were obvious lies as he spoke them and do you know what? He doesn't give a shit -it's part of the inbreeding thing.

So (1) proves that the public are idiots and maybe we should IQ test everyone before they vote (where was this massive wave of student Labour votes...were they too hung over to get somewhere by 10 pm?).

And (2) was not in the least bit hard to predict since the description sums up the average British voter.

Serves that Corbyn right! Having Jewish friends for decades, attending Jewish functions while being anti-semitic.

Oh, you fucking idiots.

The people got what the people voted for. Watch as they moan and complain when things go wrong, they don't earn as much money or they lie on hospital floors for several hours as there are not enough hospitals, staff or beds. Everyone else will be to blame.

I'm going to sit back and laugh.

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