Sunday 29 December 2019

I've learnt to live with disappointment

Normally I might feel a little guilty about using CBO readers to test something out. However, as none of you ever comment or show interest in any way I had no problems.

A You Tuber stated that he could "guarantee" thousands more hits by adding "SJW" or "Hate Star Wars" to a video title.  In fact, this was  what You Tubers were openly admitting to doing to boost views.  The number of persons actually falling for this click-bait are not as numerous as they were and 99% of those were never truly comic fans.

Then someone suggested I ought to do similar.  I did not and do not post on CBO to get higher stats -Blogger (who will not address this problem) keeps pushing my stat counter back to just over 3 million views whereas my notes show that since moving to blogger in 2011 the views actually total 6 million.

As an aside, Blogger is currently trying to get people to try "New Blogger" which has a lot of problems but the intention is for their masters -Google (ominous enough)- to "roll out" the new version in 2020. Remember how Google rolled out new features on Google Plus, drove a lot of people away and then closed their "here as long as we are" chats and Google Plus of course. Yahoo and Google are closing down anything that does not make them money. Blogger apparently does not make them money.

Anyway, over 6 million views just on the blog so I exclude hits from Twitter, Pinterest and so on. Why would I want to try the click-bait title for a post?  I thought about it and thought about it then said "okay". My assumption was that there would not be many hits. "Hate Star Wars" and "SJW" are, over 24 hours later, still CBOs top posts.

Who got it wrong then?

Believe me, daily, I could tear into Marvel and DC as well as any other thing attracting views. I could ignore that the current run of The Avengers is good (even if you can read an entire issue in a minute) and just go after the writer or artists (remember when a Marvel comic was pencilled by one person then inked by another? Now you need a squad to do both). That is not what CBO is about but I do understand people who produce negative, often twisting the facts or making stuff up videos and blogs DO get a lot of views and even Patreon support. I have found that being honest and straight forward never pays.

So, there we are. Disappointing but I've learnt to live with disappointment .

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