Sunday 5 January 2020

Just do not be fooled Update

Does anyone else laugh at all the Marvel movie 'scoops' on You Tube channels?

In the last week I have heard so many 'scoops' about Spider-man 3 -all from "trusted insider sources" -worth pointing out that these people all add"This was from a private conversation before pre-production" which means "I can make up shit and when its proven untrue I can say they changed it when they went into production.  I'm covered."

Tiny postage stamp size images that "prove that Agatha Harkness is to play a pivotal role in Wanda Vision"...if you have photographic proof then show images people can see because otherwise I call BS.

The Illuminati are being introduced into the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) at the end of the next Dr Strange movie.  Says who?  Well a good and reputable source who reported that Spider-Man was to appear in the MCU in Civil War while Sony and Marvel said they had not even discussed the character.  I hate to point this out but I bear that incredible source with the same news one year earlier.

Oh, after one exclusive 'scoop' on what Spider-Man 3 was really going to be about -Spider-man and Deadpool- another scoop revealed what the movie was going to be about. Oh, and did I mention the insider scoop that Deadpool was an Avenger in the next upcoming Avenger movie...or that he was in the MCU introduced X-Men get my point?

No doubt there will be 2-3 more insider scoops this coming week.

One thing I noticed is that some of these You Tube channels all have win an X Box competitions and have some form of sponsorship. Others I realised very quickly were all using click bait titles and then broke the scoop....followed by "remember this is what we are guessing is going to happen" -in other words it's all a fake to get your views and for what purpose I leave open to you (well, having visited the click bait video your profile and info is open for use).

I have a quite sad life so I check things and guess what? Most of the 'scoops' and 'exclusives' were dismissed as incorrect, untrue gossip long before some of the videos were made -and it took me a few minutes to learn that.

Now, I am not saying that these channels are being used as Marvel mouthpieces to keep publicity about new movies going and attract more fan attention but they prominently quote Marvel movie boss Kevin Feige and if you look at this as a whole you clearly see these are not really independent video makers, just like Bleeding Cool and other blogs are not independent. They are promoting Marvel movies and if you go further back and watch their videos they got almost every movie wrong BUT helped promote them.

I hate to write it but "fake news".

If you watch the videos just as fun then no problem but if you watch them to get are being played.

the only thing that I can reveal having spoken to an insider is that I am scripting the next Avengers movie...another exclusive -The Defenders will guest star...hmm. Strong smell of dung around here :-)

Just do not be fooled


Well the latest exclusive scoops is that in the Dr Strange movie Prince Namor The Sub-Mariner will appear. Maybe, Could do. Kevin Feige said something about a character being introduced. The Rock (Dwayne Johnson) will be playing Namor...even if he's signed up to be Black Adam. He very well might be. Seems likely. He isnt,  Take your pick.

See, I got it right...and there are those X Box prizes.

People cannot bve so stup[id to take this serious;ly.  Can they?

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