Sunday 26 January 2020


Yes, Comic Bits Online was gone for another 24 hours.
As before I suspended it and as before as soon as I re-published...the views mounted up.
This proves beyond doubt what I have written and said before. The people visiting the site daily have no interest in supporting an open, honest blog that has reached its 25th year in existence.
I have explained the situation repeatedly over the last few years but not even a single comment. A truly world wide audience that does not give a shit -welcome to the internet.
The next suspension will be for 48 hours, as will the one after that. Then there will be a 72 hour suspension and after that...
Marvellous how the publishers and companies I have helped out over the decades when no one would give them 2 or 3 lines just fall silent.

1 comment:

  1. Sad days. The amount of views that mount up are impressive, the lack of support, lamentable. Your tenacity and loyalty to this medium has been extraordinary, more extraordinary given the miserable returns you have had. That takes more guts than your detractors.
