Monday 4 May 2020

He's Green. He's Bendy...

This is one of those bendy (with metal armature) toys and is from the mid 1980s. There were three including one winged but no idea where that is.
Going a crappy dirty green I started to paint it up.
Purchased around the same time as that curio HK or possibly Japanese figure I have no info on it.
Bendy toys were big in the 1970s/1980s and I saw aliens (seemed like anthropomorphic animals) in one newsagents -in a bendy aliens display box. No cash so they looked great but never bought any.
Anyone know whether this was from a specific line?
Ps. I know no one ever bothers responding but you never know!

1 comment:

  1. That's terrifying! I have a phobia of Victorian dolls, well, any dolls - the one in Terror Of The Autons gave me bad dreams for weeks. You've now added a new one for my nightmares. Thanks for that!
