Wednesday 8 July 2020

Green Skies vol 3 Part 2 update

Well, I only managed to letter14 pp today.  I got slowed down by finding one page I scanned had been deleted so it had to be rescanned. The first chapter in this book also took longer than normal because of the amount of lettering and altering it to fit in tightly with the resrt of the book.

At about 80:15 hrs I just had burn out so stopped.

I also discovered today is Wednesday not Friday.

The whole book should be lettered by next week.


  1. keep going but take it slow. Comics are to enjoy, not struggle with. I'm playing with CRAP now.., that should be fun... TTFN.

  2. 132(?) books on the store. This year I sold a copy of Comic Bits 2...£2.99. Dump most of the onlinbe stuff and concentrate full on with pushing my books. I see the daily stats. 6 million plus so far and how many buy books or comment? Zero. How many comment on the BT Face Book page or other blogs? Zero. Screw them. I am not getting younger and I want to make some money before its too late.
