Thursday 9 July 2020

quest for the omnitetrahedron of Umranakesh...during lockdown??

It appears that I only lettered 6 pages of Green Skies yesterday. I thought it was more. Probably because the chapter I lettered was a tad emotional.

So today I lettered pages 7-21 so 15pp. I then cleaned up pp 22-40 to start lettering tomorrow.

Saturday to Monday I am taking off for housework and to complete some modelling projects including figure painting (I have 26x 54mm WWII Indian infantrymen and 98x 23mm Sumerians and 3 Sumerian chariots to paint).

Most of the material for Comic Bits No. 3 is sorted  but that publication is not due out until August.

Also scanned the pages for an Ally Sloper publication which may be out in August...or before.

Oh...and I'll be doing some acrylic painting for cover images.

My notes also say that I have to go on a quest for the omnitetrahedron of Umranakesh...stuff that I'm in lockdown.


  1. love the green guy - AAAHH! Cool face/figure. ALLY SLOPER book? Great! I've been struggling with how portray ALLY for a year or more. You've cracked that code? Great! I wanna see that! TTFN.

  2. I struggled with Ally for a long time. Way back when Denis Giofford liked my Ally illo and was going to use it for the Association of Comic Enthusiasts letterhead/mag but...anyway how I drew him in Return seems to be the best amalgam since quite a few artists drew him in their styles -see today's British Golden Age blog lockdown post.
