Tuesday 18 August 2020

Do YOU Publish An Indie Comic or Small Press Comic?

Then why have you not sent a copy for review on CBO -look at the views figure. That isa LOT of publicity. You can contact me by PM on the CBO Face Book page but remember to include with your book:

1) Price
2) WHERE to order from

Believe it or not the important stuff like that helps sell your books and around 50% of people who have sent books over the years forget this.

In fact, talking of adverts, someone who knows this stuff far better than I do tells me a review on CBO is likea free ad. No. Really?  Anyway, an advert on CBO has a value of £350 apparently. I have no idea who works this stuff out but there was an explanation and lots of numbers and internet glab glab glab....I almost fell asleep reading it. Apparently, it's down to CBO having a "truly global audience" and stuff.

Hmm. Might explain why the only people I get offering to pay for ads are gambling related and, desperate though I am for money, I am NOT advertising gambling. So I don't care that (each one!) states "Our advertising budget is low and we can offer £80 for a placed ad" Yeah, you poor, poor money leeches -how do you afford to eat? 😒

Anyway, now that I have insulted the gambling industry....onwards!

After my long break due to eye strain I started back at lettering The Green Skies V. 3 Part III yesterday. Completed 16pp then decided to sit and wartch You Tube (no TV)....got so bored that I lettered another six pages!! So it's coming along. I need to finish lettering the whole project asap as I don't think the computer has long!

One point I need to make is that the CBO Face Book page does NOT require you to join. It's an open public group -so if you are one of those people collecting FB groups -your request "to join" will be ignored.


That's about it. I'll update more when I get a chance if the computer doesn't breakdown, There are 14 pages at the online store with 134 books if you do want to support me!  Or you can donate via PayPal (to the right there).

Here goes another....Tuesday?

1 comment:

  1. We bow to the fellowship of omniscient freethinkers. CBO is like a free ad; who knew it? Perhaps, you know, they might like to make use of it?
