Sunday 23 August 2020

Remember: In Space No One Can Hear A Thermonuclear Explosion. Just saying

I sat looking at part IV of the Green Skies yesterday.  There will be no part IV.

The total page count came to 60 pages and I need to add two final pages to round things off. I read through everything. Swapped pages around. Altered text. It did not work. There was plenty of scope to use filler pages featuring characters from the story but I did not like that at all. Also, the cost of the book would be the same as for parts I -III.

I gave it some thought and made the decision:Part IV will be integrated into Part III. The story, concluding, works and flows much better that way.

So I've lettered 40 of the pages today featuring the heroes from Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Phillipines, New Zealand and even Eire. Luckily I never uploaded the source file/pdf to my Printer!

The whole Green Skies saga should be finished by Wednesday.  Three volumes that I just have to sort covers out for.

This is why it's good being your own boss. No pay but you get to make all the decisions.

1 comment:

  1. wow. cool. I'm ooking forward to it. I just finished a GREEN SKIES cover, but it'll be of some use I'm sure. Anyway, send a package of soon. TTFN.
