Wednesday 16 September 2020

A Few Words on Wednesday

 Oddly enough I became aware of the Tammy & Jinty Special by someone who suggested that I ought to “tear into it”. I suspect that this was one of the associates of UK comic ‘nice guys’ because there is absolutely no way I am going to “tear into” someone for publishing a comic. 

As noted, I have not seen the book myself but it has a nice cover (Yishan Li?) and interior artwork. Therefore I cannot review it. I know that there have been complaints about some of the production quality on Rebellion trades but this is a new comic. Even if only a Special it is still welcome. One good thing with the internet is that scripts and artwork can all be emailed in, though that was going on to an extent in the late 1980s.  I’m sure the posties appreciate it. 

While on that subject I think that we all ought to thank postal and delivery staff everywhere. Earlier in the year my local sorting office had 26 of its 80 staff out with Covid19. Delivery of packages has increased and makes the post office a big profit –no one delivering is getting extra pay, though they deserve it. 

Whether postie, Amazon...anyone delivering items to my house I make sure they get a “thank you” because if you do not appreciate what they are doing you are a lost cause. I did see two people complaining that deliveries were “usually within 2-3 days” however “It’s day 4 and nothing has turned up”. Idiots. Less postal staff more work –in my area we get mail one day, next day none then delivery so on and so on. 

Book printing is obviously slow. Printers have backlogs and people out sick or isolating and so the whole process is slower. I buy my books then there is a delay. Tough. In fact, I tried to order one of my books from an online retailer at the same time that I ordered a copy from my storefront. I got the copy from my storefront last week....the other seller...still waiting. 

Now, if you are self- isolating or in lockdown, to get those old comics out and read them. If you are an artist/writer this is a good time to hone those skills or prepare projects. I’m having to self-isolate while shielding a family member. I do my work, go into the garden and do work there (occasionally gossip over the tool shed with the ladies next door (I DO wear a mask!). 

2020 has been a year we could have done about. Comic fans and toy collectors need to stop complaining about events being cancelled (and having tantrums over that) or how awkward it is to get into still open comic shops and toy stores. Focus on your collections: you are not going to die because you have not bought comics or toys. You could get ill and die from ignoring precautions –face masks, sanitizer etc. 

We all just need to take a deep breath and chill. 

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