Wednesday 28 October 2020

CATWEAZLE | Official Trailer


  1. They're bringing Catweazle back? WTF? No John Pertwee, no Catweazle! Period. The end. Anyway, Dene Vernon hit the post about 5 minutes ago. Should be with you in 10 to 14 days. TTFN

    1. Ordered your In Pursuit as well as BTSH 6 and 7 -postage 1.5 times value of books...mayb I should have opened a post office for profit! :-) :-)

  2. Thi8s one is made in Germany because Catweazle, like many of the old UK mshows is popular around the world. This one looks like it sticks to the character and story. Geoffrey Bayldon played Catweazle and Jon Pertwee Wurzel Gummidge...yes, the BBC did a tv movie which had to preac h ecology and diversity and McKenzie Crook looked more like Freddy was AWFUL. Mind you they did a Professor Brainstorm with Harry Hill that was just as awful if not worse. Young Tv folk with no idea of who or what characters are and no knowledge of what the time they were set in was like.

  3. Ahh.Wurzel ., I'm all confused. forgive me. I'm not who I used to be. Still, Dene Vernon is on the way! I'm having some fun before the end !! yay!!! TTFN

  4. No one goes anywhere until I say so. Look forward to Vernon!
