Tuesday 27 October 2020

Justice League (who cares?), The Avengers and a few thoughts

 I caught part of a video today discusing the latest Justice League series from DC Comics. I just could not care less.

As with Marvel's The Mighty Avengers, I have followed the JLA since volume 1. On the shelf next to me are volumes 1-4 JLA The Silver Age, volumes 1-6 of the b&w DC Showcase JLA, JLA: Earth 2, JLA-JSA:Virtue and Vice as well as vol. 1-8 of the 2015/2016 eries (trades), vol 1-5 of the 2017 and 1-7 of the next volume. series so on and so forth.

That was it. Reboot after reboot after reboot after reboot after reboot and the stories had less "meat" to them -some nice art but heroes were becoming less heroes and more like villains and characterisation was bad. Not urprising since the characters changed so often. My Justrice League of America megapost I think shows that I was a fan -yes, even of "the Detroit period".

DC just took the reboots too far and really told us old fans to go uck our finger.

The current Avenger title started out well even though it seemed to be all over the place -1

Million BC and so on. But when the team got together -great fun (even though they ruined She-Hulk). Then it moved along and -because the movie was a success- the series became The Black Panther with cameo by some Avengers. Currently the Panther appears to be ...well, not the Panther he was in Jungle Action or other Avengers series. He is now more super human.

Some of the covers look good but a good few such as the one to the right is definitely "MEH!"  With all the variant covers unless you want to pay 2-3 times the usual cover price you have to take what you get. The days of  happily looking at Avengers comics are gone. Yes, American readers. the UK is not set up for comic fans but people who can squeeze every penny out of comic fans (a week after an issue appears the cover prices can rise by £4-5 and there is nothing special just a regular issue.

Some of the stories in the current run I think are stretched out too bfar and the current Moon Knight one could have been concluded in 2 issues but...

So I have given up on Justice League and that stance is not going to change. Avengers I stick with and I'm just dreading the next reboot!

I'd like to see how others are dealing with "uper groups" -Independent but until I get rich that ain't gonna happen.

Now, back to my own comic work....


  1. Y'know, there are times I'm glad I can't keep up with comics - it might lead me to som
    thing depressing. Dene Vernon in the post tomorrow. KBO.

  2. The problem is that the fans got jobs a editors with no idea how to edit and one owner after another wants more money which makes for not great comics. Still fun to be had, though!
