Thursday 26 November 2020

Mr Dilworth

 package received


  1. Good news. I hope you like the stories. Now I'm relieved. Doing some stuff that I hope will put a smile on your face! TTFN Still, glad you got the package.

  2. Looked through Vernon last night and it looks okay buit I'll need to re-jig the cover with logo etc. Re. The Green Skies you are spot on about HOW to read it. It was not designed by my warped brain to be read in one go and if anyone read all three in one go they would require psychiatric treatment. It's why I used the capter format and headings -can you imagine each book just starting as "Part 1" "Part 2" and "Part 3" and then a solid read without a break? I wish I was a good enough artist to do my incredibly fabulous works of literature justice. I thought that with The Thinker I need to try to explain why old long hair was now a baldy and the slight personality change "thrust into me"....yes....fancy forgetting The Beatles. Anyway, thank **** that project is over. I'm on to page 190 of my next book and its 75,455 words so far....oh gods...I'm an epicologist, aren't I?!! I have a couple of wildlife papers to sort out over Christmas for the start of 2021 and next week I need to sort out Green Skies covers then the Vernons you did. Oh crap...I had to sort out time travel by the beginning of December...should be plenty of time. NO MORE "specials" -just sits in my old wallet (but THANKS) so any books you want -did the last lot arrive?

  3. I mean Pursuit as well as BTSH 6 and 7?
