Tuesday 8 December 2020

Guardians -NOT The Worst Super Hero Film Ever Made (let's not go there)

 Last night I watched the 2017 Russian super hero movie Guardians and am about to be controversial.  

I liked it.

In fact, at one point I sat up and pointed at the screen and said out loud: "I like this. It's fun!" Yes, the film has its faults but it had a bad-ass insane villain -Professor August Kuratov- who takes no time in levelling half of Moscow and has his clone army to back him up. The organization Patriot was obviously inspired by Marvel's SHIELD and there was a kind of Avengers Assemble vibe going on.

There were some good moments such as when Sebastien Sisak as Ler major Elena Larina how he was present at his daughter's birth, the birth of her children and how he watched her age and die (the Guardians are, essentially very long lived). 

It seems that the critics have called it possibly one of the worst super hero films ever. Well, critics do what they do because they have no ability to write or direct a movie. Were people expecting it to rival a Marvel movie?  Because Guardians budget was only $5.4 million (320 million RUB) compared to Avengers Assemble with a budget of $220 million.

It was good to see Russian settings and cxharacters and it is a pity it got so slammed as a movie when it really should have received some praise for daring to try to produce a home grown super hero movie. This was more a "Here is the back ground. Here are the characters. Build from here" type story.

How many Russian super hero movies can you name?  There are a very -VERY- small number such as Major Grom (2017) 

and Major Grom: Plague Doctor (2020 -what a year for its release!!).

And a ver
y much Spider-Man and Uncle Ben situation involves the origin of Black Lightning(2009)

Whatever the critics write or say I enjoyed Guardians just as much as I enjoyed the (not Snyder cut) Justice League .


  1. Glad you saw a fun movie. Isn't the worst superhero movie Corman's FF ? Just saying... PS it's a blast ! Still trucking on - TTFN

  2. It was fun and you know me and Russian and Chinese super heroes! FF by Corman had its budgetrestricted BUT was seen as the most comic accurate FF film. I liked the later versions (never seen the last one) but it seems they cut out so much that would have made things work -deleted scenes added to make DVDs sell. Having to do sometidying up then do the Green Skies covers and work on BTSH 8. Ho-hum

  3. get on get on with the good work! I've just finished CORP 2 - it's interesting . . . might make a few more pages. Busy busy here - let's hope the package arrives soon. Merry Times!
