Wednesday 23 December 2020

Mr Dilworth. Mr Schiltz

 MERRY CHRISTMAS and have a good 2021

from Scrooge


  1. Thank you Mr Scrooge, and a 'have a good one' back atcha !

    1. Gawd bless us, evyone . . or wharra bleedin' shambles. Let's really hope for something better. This turkey's shot dead cold. It made merry and run under a bus. It croaked before it's calendar. This year has done, gone and met it's maker. Was a cast-off before it got started. It's bleedin' snuffed it. In fact, I'd rather have a slug. Happy new year, Strans ol' man.

  2. Thank you but ordinary day for me. Its 0110 hrs and I'm checking book references. Do some tidying up later something arty...maybe.

  3. me too. Just more work. This year more than most.... well... still alive, can't complain. TTFN

  4. You call this life? Am I not in purgatory, then?? What??? Bloody con. So I really am wetting my pants in reality? Damn.

    1. You're in the Celestial Hades and Starship Troopers is playing on a loop.

  5. Well, as we wade laboriously, yet inexorably, through the last ebbing disjecta membre of 2020, I can only hope that the next year will offer something better than this one. I always find the final month of the year and, especially, the last week as something of a dead and decaying duck that has given up the ghost because it has become so lame. Thenceforth, to stand in front of Time's shotgun and declare resolutely - Help yourself! I have a different pad to look forward to - thank goodness. I'll just have to see if the ghosts of the past decide to follow. I have recommended to the purchaser of my old property the services of an exorcist, just in case the malevolence of the old sticks around. So, to a 'new' life. Freedom lives hence and banishment is here - so spake the Earl Of Kent. Marvin might put it another way. A whole new life? Oh no, not ANOTHER one.

  6. Moving on is an important thing. A new place to put down new roots. Good luck to you,John, hope the ghosts stay behind!

    1. I wonder if Melinda Gordon is still in business? I have a horse whisperer in the family, but I think they stay within their specialized field.
