Tuesday 6 April 2021

"Comic Sales on the Rise!" Well....

 If you are into comics then you may have heard or see, via You Tube videos, that comic book sales are "suddenly going crazy!"

I am glad that one or two other people have pointed this out because it means I am not alone in understanding what is going on and why some fairly reputable YT comic channels are over-hyping things. We are still not out of the current pandemic" and for over a year dealers in the US and UK have been selling via that online place or doing "curbside drops" (the latter not in the UK. 

Comic stores in the US have been closed.  Now, however, with restrictions, some are opening back up. Therefore, shops that were not open to sell comics are finally open and selling again. It is NOT a sudden surge of interest in comics meaning that comics are going to be 'valuable' again. Unfortunately, what used to be more level headed YT channels, with vested interests, are over hyping and deliberately avoiding mentioning the obvious. A closed shop sells zero comics during lockdown. The store then opens and sells two comics -that is an increase.

This is all just working another con on those interested in comics or might be thinking of getting into comics.  Some are doing this either because they are dumb and have not worked out what is going on or "innocently" hoping to boost their field of interest.  It is still a con and for that reason the YT channels that used to be linked here are no longer being linked. Con is a con and trying to screw people by pretending there is a huge surge of interest in comics is a con.

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