Monday 12 April 2021

Oh....Was I Right?

Interesting to see that two of the peoplewho have been shouting about the massive upsurge in comic sales and how it could be a new comic book explosion.....

....have admitted that once they took the lockdown into consideration the "upsurge" in sales was just the comic regulars going out buying again.

How in the **** do you live through a lockdown that lasted over a year and closed comic events and comic shops and NOT have realised the effect of all of that?

Please excuse me one moment.

***** *** ****!!!  *****! *******!!!!!!

Ahem. Now, where were we? Yes, people who appear to have had their IQs drop drastically. To make it simple:

Shop closed =Shop sells nothing

Shop open = Shop sells stuff

See how it works?

Of course, that does not affect crooked Ebay or other dealers who want to push their prices up for various reasons. Look, nothing has changed other than comic shops opening to a degree and some shows going ahead.  I have seen the "NOW is the time to invest in comics!" conmen going to work online and on You Tube. Go back to any "Comics to invest in for quick profit" video for, say, December 2019. Have the "hot" comics increased dramatically in price in over a year? No. The only reason a comic starts selling out is stupidity and greed.

Look at toy hunters often a group of 2-5 that walk into stores such as Target, Walmart or toy stores cameras videoing everything. They seriously have tantrums because a specific figure cannot be found or "Some **** ***** flipper" bought all 20 to sell online.  Theflippers buy multiple figures creating a shortage which idiots then interpret as making it super rare or a "grail" and they pay through the npose.  Same with comics. I spoke to one comic shop owner about a certain comic that people were saying they could not find. He had a customer come in and buy all the copies before going to another store his friend owned and buying all the copies up there. Why? Because he had heard, apparently, that the book would treble in price quickly 😂😂😂 Fair enough he sold copies to customers of the two shops who couldn't find copies on the shelf...but hewas left with 20 copies which he still has and the book is selling for between £2 -£3.50 online post free,

All of this crap takes the fun out of comics and we need more fun.


1 comment:

  1. "NOW is the time to invest in comics!" -? I buy them in order to read them. 'Nuff said. Or should I say, Oh C**p! Back to the emergency meditation. Jai Guru Deva, om, om, om . . Was that the doorbell?
