Saturday 10 April 2021

Reviews. Where Did They Go??

 Now, as most people who give a damn know I am a mammalogist -a "noted naturalist" with my name on technical papers, etc. I specialise in Canids and Felids. I have had a fox study running since 1977.

"Wait -what's that got to do with reviews?!" you may ask. May I answer?

I have been mapping the progress of a nasty thing called mange amongst Bristol foxes (go to the Wolves, Wildcats and Wolverines blog for more detail). From 1100 hrs until 2330 hrs yesterday I was answering queries and dealing with organisations regarding the treatment of mange. Over 12 hours. Unpaid. Still answering some queries today.

Now, with CBO I get no support. No Patreon. In fact the only people who even bother commenting are two people I know. THOUSANDS of  you -yes, you- just pop by every day take what you can get and move on. No "thank yous" or "That was intersting". Basically, you do not give a shit. Therefore, on each and every occasion that arises I will most certainly dump posting reviews to CBO in favour of helping save an animals life. The reward there is know that the animal has a good chance of living as opposed to dying nastily.

Reviews will be resuming shortly but priorities are priorities for a reason. 

You want to support CBO there is a PayPalMe box to the right. Contribute and support or stop whining.


  1. It's good things that you've tried doing for the local wildlife over the decades. That incident at the old address when your pond was destroyed was scandalous. I remember how bugged you were about it. And that business with the BBC Wildlife Unit plus those times on the radio not being paid. But it's the BBC! Yeah, right - paraphrasing your answer - I couldn't care less if you were the Queen Mother! - or something along those lines! From the foxes, to the voles and the newts - and I recall how irate you were seeing some lunatic attempting to squash a vole. With some humans, evolution obviously failed. If so-called humans stoop to that sort of behaviour, what does it say about our basic tenancy of the planet and the care of the creatures around us.

  2. Replies
    1. Time can - just as easily - stomp on us! It already does, to hundreds of thousands of individuals every year, and may just decide to halt a complete halt to the whole dire experiment. To paraphrase Christopher Hitchens, Don't take comfort in the false security of longevity. The dinosaurs were around far longer! Our superior drunk - or whatever that creature was - who decided it was a good 'idea' to try killing that vole, will eventually - maybe sooner or later, or could be, already has - have/had something a lot smaller than a vole stomp on him.
