Saturday 7 August 2021

UAP, Monsters, Ghosts...Those Books Are Going To Increase In Price

In case you are wondering (I know you are not but I am trying to be polite) what happened to the book price rises here is the story.

I am disputing my right to withdraw my books from sale in the United States because I get hit hard by U.S. taxes on sales which means I make back around $1 on a book sold. Add the fluctuating exchange rate (and my print on demand firms goes for the time advantageous for them to pay me) and books of 300+ pages, fully illustrated and which took me years to write are going for free. The books were supposedly my "living" and I am not making any "living" at the moment.

At £20 a book that was cheap so if I am unable to block the U. S. as a market (not something I would normally do) the prices have to increase. I have no choice because I am just giving everything away and no publisher is willing to take on books of this type in the UK because they do not understand them. Seriously.

I have given my POD up to the 15th August to change their minds on the U. S. market and if they do not then all of the cover prices on the books will be raisred to £25.00 which even then brings them in under a mainstream publishers pricing.

If the POD accepts my position on the sale of my books then they will no longer be available in the United States and copies will need to be purchased privately which will involve international shipping (normally there i no international shipping as it is all local postal rates).

That is the situation. Book reviews will continue tomorrow.

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