Sunday 12 September 2021

Things Never Go As Planned

 When it comes to wildlife and suspicious death of wildlife there is no 9-5 work. As soon as I went to the online store to start the repricing another dead fox was reported and that takes official paperwork for a post mortem, storage of the carcass until a PM and transporting from A to B. And hair sample gathering for fox DNA testing.

Then an injured fox. A fox cub with mange and on top of that people trying to pull me back into "the old work" (oh no I did my 40 years!).

As aqonsequence I cannot even think of re-pricing the books at the moment so it gives potential buyers a chance to get them at a lower price. The option, by-the-way, was to withdraw books then re-publish when I got time, however, with the new print on demand company prices that would mean even higher pricing.

I have not picked up a pencil in three months because for 4 months I have been battling authorities to take the fox deaths seriously and I have been working from morning til around 0200 hrs every day.

To those who have bought books -THANK YOU.

Now, I have more work to do and none of it involves comics!

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